Articles about Anna Danilec author's page

Anna Danilec is graduated in Business Management.

She was getting solid experience for years in front-end and back-end development by building software for known IT companies.

Her IT expertise is React.JS, Angular, React Native, Flutter, Node.JS, and Nest.JS.

In the last years, she was doing business for Duomly, focusing on IT as well as Online Marketing, Design, and Content Creation like Blogging and Youtube. After hours Anna manages her true crime youtube channel, loves sport, sun, and mediterrean cuisine.

List and keys in React - cheatsheet for beginners

List and keys in React intro List and keys in React are among the most basic concepts. It may be the first scary one for beginners who just started to create their first application using the React framework. And what’s even scarier, you can’t avoid using lists because almost every application has some kind of repeatable content. But in reality, really simple. It just needs to be explained. That’s why in this article, I decided to explain what lists are, how to build a list in JSX, what keys are and how to fix one of the most common errors connected to list and keys you will see a lot of times in your console.

7 min read

What are your future goals in career and life?

This article contains affiliate links. By purchasing using these links you support our blog and YouTube channel. What are your future goals? What are your future goals? This question is pretty common while interviewing for the job of your dreams. And that’s kind of understandable that company that would like to hire you, what’s to know what are your future goals for work or even in life. First of all, if you can present your development plan and describe what you’d like to achieve in the next few years, you can be a great investment for the company to bring you on board.

9 min read

Webpack configuration - step by step tutorial on how to setup Webpack

Intro to Webpack tutorial Webpack is a tool very often used in software development, and it’s pretty useful. For many junior and even mid developers, Webpak can be the darkest nightmare, and it was scary for me as well. By all the power, I tried to avoid setting Webpack by using tools like create-react-app to build a new ReactJS application and never have to do any changes inside the ready config, as it seemed confusing.

8 min read

How to setup MongoDB in the cloud with Atlas?

Intro to setup MongoDB in the cloud with Atlas Almost every application you are trying to build needs a database; depending on the type of data you’d like to keep inside, some developers select SQL databases like PostgreSQL or NoSQL databases like MongoDB. Nowadays, when MERN and MEAN stacks for applications are more and more popular, many developers select MongoDB. To start a project, you’d need to set up MongoDB locally on your computer or online in the cloud.

9 min read

Fetch or Axios - what is better for HTTP requests?

Intro to Fetch vs. Axios One of the most essential parts of frontend development is communication with the backend by making HTTP requests. There are a few ways how we can make API calls in Javascript asynchronously. A few years ago, most applications were sending HTTP requests using Ajax, which stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. But right now, developers mostly decide about selection between fetch() API and Axios.

9 min read

Divi theme review 2021 - is Divi worth it?

This article contains affiliate links. By purchasing using these links you support our blog and YouTube channel. Intro to Divi Theme Review When you start your own business, you have to consider one of the most important things is your presence on the internet. No matter if you are selling a digital resource or opening a restaurant, you need to have your website where you can share your information about your business, location, and make yourself visible for everyone online.

7 min read

Client-Side Rendering or Server-Side Rendering - what is the best solution for your next application?

Intro to Client-Side Rendering vs. Server-Side Rendering We can create awesome web applications and websites with the technologies we have right now, but there’s still a performance that needs to be considered. Developers outdo each other to achieve the best results in loading speed and user experience in their projects. And at that point, there are many discussions on the way, applications should be rendered. Before modern front-end frameworks started to be used so commonly, websites were rendered on the server, and ready .

6 min read

REST API vs GraphQL - comparison

Into to REST API vs. GraphQL Since GraphQL was presented as a revolutionary alternative to RESTful API in 2015, there is a discussion between both solutions’ supporters and opponents. As everything, RESTful API and GraphQL both have pros and cons, which need to be considered selecting proper solutions for the next project. And as always, the choice should depend on the type of project that you are building. For some kind on the application, RESTful API will be a justified solution, when for the other type, GraphQL will be much better.

8 min read

How to implement redux-saga with ReactJS and Redux [TUTORIAL]

Intro to Redux setup tutorial Very often, you can hear about the state in frontend applications, but what it exactly is? Let me explain. State in frontend applications represents all the data stored in the application in a given time. It can be stored in different formats like objects or strings. Based on the state’s values, we can personalize the application, display, and hide certain elements. To manage the state in modern frontend frameworks, we can use different libraries like Redux, MobX, or NgRx.

13 min read

RxJS: Observable vs Subject - tutorial for beginners

Intro to RxJS Observable vs Subject RxJS is one of the most useful and the most popular libraries when using Angular as the main framework for your project. RxJS provides two types of Observables, which are used for streaming data in Angular. For most beginners, who just started with Angular, Observables are the biggest source of frustration; it’s confusing and not easy to understand. Personally, I felt the same; when I started with RxJS, it was confusing.

10 min read