Articles about Anna Danilec author's page

Anna Danilec is graduated in Business Management.

She was getting solid experience for years in front-end and back-end development by building software for known IT companies.

Her IT expertise is React.JS, Angular, React Native, Flutter, Node.JS, and Nest.JS.

In the last years, she was doing business for Duomly, focusing on IT as well as Online Marketing, Design, and Content Creation like Blogging and Youtube. After hours Anna manages her true crime youtube channel, loves sport, sun, and mediterrean cuisine.

GraphQL tutorial - ReactJS Course: Lesson 1

Intro to ReactJS with GraphQL REST is an API design architecture, where requests are done through the URLs, and the core idea in the REST API is that when linking to a particular URL, you should get a piece of data, called a resource. Connecting to the URL in the REST API is called a request, and the answer is the response. GraphQL is a query language for the API.

6 min read

7 Node JS project ideas for beginners, to train your skills

This article contains affiliate links. By purchasing using these links you support our blog and YouTube channel. Intro to Node JS project ideas for beginners In this article, I’d like to tell you about 7 Node JS project ideas that will help you train your skills, build an impressive portfolio, and get hired. For some time, I’m publishing the lists of projects that you can use to practice the coding skills that you’ve just learned.

7 min read

Node.js Course With Building a Fintech Banking App – Lesson 4: Login and User Authentication

Intro to Node.js Course - Login and User Authentication In previous weeks we started a Node.js Course, where we are building a fintech banking application. In this course, we are using the Nest.js framework and Typescript. In the first lesson of this Node.js Course, we started a project and done migrations to set up the database. In the second and third lesson, I focused on user registration, creating a new user in the database, and displaying the proper response from the endpoint.

8 min read

9 Vue JS project ideas for beginners, that will help you to get hired

Intro to Vue JS project ideas for beginners In this article, I’m going to share another list of project ideas, today for the Vue.js apps. You could realize that we’re publishing articles with a list of project ideas for the particular front-end technology to provide you some apps ideas that you can create to practice coding and create an excellent portfolio. It’s also helpfull if you wonder how to practice Javascript.

9 min read

How to increase your website speed and score 100 on Google PageSpeed Insights

Into to 7 methods to increase your website speed and score 100 on Google Page Speed Insights In this article, I’d like to tell you about 7 ways that helped us to increase our blog speed and score 100 on Google Page Speed. When you are writing your own blog to share something you are passionate about or have a website for your company, you’d like other people to know about it and read it.

8 min read

Angular Course with building a banking application with Tailwind CSS – Lesson 5: User authentication

Intro to Angular Course - User authentication For almost one month, we are preparing an Angular course for you, and we are building a fin-tech application. Today I’m going to show you how to implement user authentication and how to use it with guards and resolvers. Our main goal is to check if the user token is active and compatible with the user id. When it’s correct, our API will return us the user data, and the user will be able to see the dashboard.

8 min read

Freelance programming: how to start getting clients and earning money in 8 steps

How to start freelance programming Starting a freelance programming career became really popular in previous years, and of course, it has lots of advantages. Hence, people are more and more interested in working this way. Some of us choose freelancing because it can be done anywhere, you don’t need to be in a specific location to do freelance jobs. One day you can be in South America, second in Australia and the other in Asia.

11 min read

11 React.js projects for beginners, that will help you to build an amazing portfolio and get hired

This article contains affiliate links. By purchasing using these links you support our blog and YouTube channel. In this article, I’m going to continue with the ideas for your portfolio, today with React.js projects for beginners. In previous weeks, I’ve published two articles with project ideas for a front-end developer portfolio. I’ve started by providing you 11 HTML project ideas for beginners, so you can practice essential skills you’ve got in your career path.

10 min read

Flutter Course, building a fintech mobile app – Lesson 1: Login form

Intro to Flutter Course Flutter is a framework to build mobile applications for Android and iOS using Dart programming language. Flutter was made by Google developers, and now it’s the main competitor of React Native. As a front-end developer, I’ve already worked with React Native, and I have an idea of how it works, but Flutter was a mystery that I wanted to discover. So, I did, and that’s why today I’d like to show you how cool Flutter is, and how comfortable it’s to work with this tool.

7 min read

Node.js course with building a fintech banking app – Lesson 3: User registration PART 2

In the previous week, I’ve published the second lesson of the Node.js Course, where we created registration and saved new users in our database. If you would like to be updated, feel free to go back to the lesson one and follow up or get the first lesson code from our Github. Today I’m going to refactor the code we’ve created for user registration to create a response which our API will send as a result.

5 min read