How to Code – Learn Step by Step How to Become a Programmer With Duomly

Hello everyone,

we came up with an idea to show you step by step what to do to become a developer. For this, we created a YouTube channel called *How to code with Duomly.* Every week we publish a new episode preparing you to be a programmer.

In every episode, we describe a different topic, like tools, software, programming languages, etc. For more information check out our first video!

Enjoy the series and learn with us! (This article will be updated every week.) *If you are new start from the bottom where is the first episode.

Episode #9 Become a back-end developer

Have you ever wondered about becoming a back-end developer? In this episode, I’ll explain to you who is back-end developer and what he/she does, and I’ll go through the technologies used in back-end development. Also, I’ll show you how many job offers are on the market for this kind of developers and what is the average salary!

Episode #8 Become a front-end developer (part 2)

It’s the second and final episode about becoming a front-end developer. In 12 steps, I’m going to tell you what you need to learn to succeed with your front-end career. Let’s watch and find out how to become a front-end developer.

Episode #7 Become a front-end developer (part 1)

Have you ever heard about front-end developers or maybe have you ever wondered about this career path? In this episode, I’ll explain to you who is front-end developer and what he/she does, and I’ll go through the technologies used in front-end development. Also, I’ll show you how many job offers are on the market for this kind of developers and what is the average salary! Let’s watch!

Episode #6: Git & Github Basic tutorial

Git is an essential tool for every programmer, and this is why we want to show you how to use it, in a simple way. This video will cover the primary usage of Git and GitHub, creating a new repository, a few simple commands, and git GUIs. Let’s watch!

Episode #5: Tools every programmer should know

When you start your programming career in your first job, you will probably realize how many different tools are used during the development process. It’s a great idea to take a look at the most important ones before getting the first job, to feel much more confident. In this video, we are going to take a look at tools which you should know as a developer and which will help you to set up a great development environment.

Episode #4: How to ask for help with the code?

Programmers need to solve lots of problems all the time and sometimes it happens we need to ask for help or advice, but how to do it to get lots of answers in a short time? In this episode, I’ll describe and show you how I always create my questions on Stack Overflow and suggest where else you can ask. Let’s watch!

Episode #3: Skills you need to be a good developer

Being a good programmer is not only about your technical skills. There are a few soft skills you need to master to be good at software engineer job.

In this video, we are going to take a look at six skills which may be very helpful in a developer job and which you should master. Let’s watch!

Episode #2: What is programming?

In our series, we are going to prepare you to become programmers, but for this, we need to start from solid basics. This is why today I’m going to answer the most essential question, what is programming. We will learn how programming works and what it does. Let’s watch!

Episode #1: What is this series about (sorry for bad quality).

This is an introduction to a new series from Duomly. In this series, we are going to helping people to learn programming and not get lost. In this video, you will find out about the exciting contents we are going to provide in the next episodes about coding, tools, programming jobs, programming languages, and much more!