How to Build DApp With Solidity, Truffle and Angular 6 Step by Step

Short dApp course info

In the current course, we will have a few lessons with content about dApp development, code, and some programming knowledge.

Our content is divided for 8(with introduction) lessons, and all from lessons have few slides where you can learn how to build dApp with solidity and Angular6, will be good if you will do course step by step how creators added it to Duomly.


You don’t need programming skills to finish my course, but of course is better if you have to understand the content better and use it in future.

For sure would be good if you have skills about using git, terminal, your operating system on an at least basic level but if you don’t know something, always you can use Google or ask.

What you will learn in dApp course

Here is the short list of lessons and you can check the small overview of them:

1.Course overview and introduction

It’s just course introduction (current lesson)

2.Configure the environment

Here you will get a better overview of tools and technologies which we will use, what they are and how to install them.

3.Create the structure of your application

In this part, of course, you will see how our course structure will look, what should contain and how to create that, you will learn how to init project by truffle and how to use angular-cli with angular6.

4.Create a smart contract

In the 4th part, of course, we will focus on creating the smart contract, we will discuss all necessary functions, how to add variables or data types and we will build our blockchain features.

5.Blockchain deployment and testing

This part will teach you how to compile your contracts, how to setup truffle to be connected with the geth network and how to deploy your contracts inside this network.

6.Create UI

In Lesson 6 you will learn how to use Angular6, how to create components, their logic, templates, and services, you will also learn how to connect all of the front end parts to build an excellent looking app.

7.Connect UI with blockchain with Web3.js

In the 7th part, of course, we will work on connecting our frontend with blockchain, we will learn how to install and implement Web3, how to fix the problem with newest Web3.js on angular6 and how to make the whole app working together.

8.How to host dApp on IPFS

This part will teach us about IPFS and free, decentralized p2p hosting. We will install IPFS and configure, next we will add our files to IPFS, deploy and test all works.